Manan Vikam

MS AUD B. Arch








©2023 Manan Vikam DE++

A Social Media Company focused on Video Production

Constructing architecture enhanced by and built with media, the project investigates scenarios where occupants travel seamlessly between the digital and physical worlds. Through the proliferation of virtual avatars, sensory simulations and holograms, current forms of technological communications simulate experiences with precision without relying on the physical presence of their subjects.

This project aims to explore and experiment with the integration of XR technology in social media, creating a seamless and immersive experience. By digitally enhancing physical environments, social media platforms can transform into portals that connect users to various virtual interfaces, fostering new forms of engagement and interaction. The goal is to discover and leverage the potential of these hybrid overlaps in the social media industry.

In these radically different environments, architecture is conceived as a cyberphysical system, designed not only for the use of people but also for the digital occupancy of avatars as its new subjects. By questioning the role of representation in the process of constructing realities and environments, the focus is on the potential of such virtual tools to formulate a reformed agenda for the role of the digital in the contemporary practice.

The idea is to create a play of solid and void using static and dynamic elements defined through the design process. The public and spillover residual spaces meander around the static elements of design creating interesting pockets to enable different levels of transparency. Investigating the overlaps generated multiple possibilities to manifest different levels of interaction.

Social media sparks a revelation that through content and ideas, we can unite users around shared passions, and experiences and ignite collaboration.It’s essential to see a platform as a fun community for creative expression, constantly evolving and adapting.